Fazel Fazly is in the Afghan government; received a scholarship in Sweden.


Fazel Fazly, 43, works in the government of Afghanistan, where news on the president’s website began to be published as early as 2017, where Fazly was mentioned.

At the same time as his business in Afghanistan, Fazly is registered in Sweden and in 2018 he increased the parental benefit, Aftonbladet reports.

The 43-year-old has now been reported to the Swedish Tax Agency, which is that he was registered incorrectly.

– A report on settlement control has been received on March 6 this year regarding this person, Ingela Larsson of the Swedish Revenue Agency tells the newspaper.

The Swedish embassy sent a diplomatic courier

Tobias Wijk, an operations expert at the Swedish Tax Agency, explains to the newspaper that it is a serious problem that people are registered with the address even if they are not part of the official Swedish population.

– Social security and benefits there, for example, are largely based on where you live. But it’s also about pensions and insurance, says Wijk.

At the same time, the Swedish embassy in Kabul has sent a diplomatic post to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sweden. “Swedish citizen in government,” reads the headline, but the document is largely masked by secrecy.
