Family Nursery Stops: Twelve Children Missing


The two companies have together received more than SEK 25 million in municipal grants, Sydsvenskan reports. But now they have denounced the police by the municipality.

– It is serious that the director has reported incorrect information to the municipality. That grants have been paid for children who have not stayed in business, Lisa Lemmeke, director of the preschool administration unit, tells the newspaper.

Ongoing contributions

During the municipality’s inspection visit to a company’s family nursery in October 2018, only eight of the 20 registered children were present. Two registered children happened to live in North Skåne and one of the children abroad.

The company was asked to correct the errors and received ongoing municipal grants. But when a round trip was made in 2020 to parents who, according to the company’s lists, had children enrolled in the business, it turned out that one of the numbers was going to Denmark, another to a woman who has no small children.

During an inspection at the other company in 2020, only five of the 27 registered children were present.

Lacks education

The municipality’s reviews have also shown that day care providers have difficulty expressing themselves in Swedish and lack training in working with children. Children have not received the “care, security, development and learning to which they are entitled,” the municipality concludes.

Lisa Lemmeke believes that the legal opportunities for the municipality to intervene are insufficient. When deficiencies are discovered, companies must have the opportunity to correct them.

– If the director realizes that the deficiencies have been corrected, the municipality cannot withdraw the subsidy, he tells the newspaper.

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