Experts on virus mutation in Norway: “Fully expected”


After a major corona outbreak in Trondheim in Norway last week, where 1,000 people have been quarantined and 24 people have fallen ill according to the Norwegian Dagbladet, local chief physician Tove Røsstad sent virus samples to the National Institute of Public Health.

On Monday, the same Norwegian media chief physician said the first test results show that the virus is a variant that the National Institute of Public Health has not previously recorded.

– What we have experienced is that the virus spreads more easily, that you do not have to be so close to others for a long time to infect yourself, says Tove Røsstad to Norwegian TV2.

All living things mutate

But according to the experts SVT Nyheter spoke to, the information from Norway is not very surprising.

– Not at all, it’s completely expected. This is just one variant of many that are circling the earth right now, says Niklas Arnberg, a professor of virology at Umeå University.

Why it happens?

– Everything that has genetic material mutates. Even us, it is part of life. It is random changes that take place and it is thanks to them that we can adapt to the new conditions, says Niklas Arnberg.

No serious change

Jan Albert, professor of microbiology and infection control at the Karolinska Institutet, also does not react very strongly to the news from Norway.

– There must be clearer evidence, than what I saw today, to say that there is something different about this virus.


– If it is clear that the virus has new properties or if there are clear signs of another illness. So we have evidence of a change that is important, says Jan Albert.

Jan Albert does not see the fact that many people were infected at the same time in Trondheim as proof of a change in the virus.

– I think it’s more about the environment these people lived in.
