We wrote 7,200 deaths with covid-19 when the prime minister called another dark press conference in December about the crown crisis. Stefan Löfven (S) emphasized that we should not celebrate Christmas with more than eight people and avoid traveling.
It seemed crystal clear. But when Löfven, Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lövin (MP), Social Affairs Minister Lena Hallengren (s), and CEO Johan Carlson were asked follow-up questions about whether they wanted to say that the train could not be taken to traveling with an older relative and sleeping there, the answers became confusing. It would be nice to travel anyway. The mountain resorts are also still open and there are no travel tips. You decide for yourself.
Almost nine out of ten Swedes believe, according to an opinion poll, that they follow the recommendations well. But they probably interpret the advice differently, they can be seen in crowded malls, on crowded buses and in statistics on the spread of infection.
The Prime Minister’s harsh Christmas message it was followed by the traditional press conference at the Swedish Public Health Agency. He went through the usual routine, but something was missing. The image showing the strategy of the Swedish crown disappeared. You probably remember the curve that needs to be flattened to give the healthcare system time.
Here in Sweden, the authorities and the government did not believe in trying to kill the virus with maximum force to buy time, as in most other countries. Instead, the infection would spread in society, but so slowly that medical care could cope with the pressure. Many immune systems were expected to be a consequence. Therefore, Sweden would face a second wave better than neighboring countries.
Now stands out Sweden again in the Nordic region through high rates of infection and death. Our neighboring countries have saved many lives and their economies do not appear to have been more affected by the pandemic than ours.
Vaccines are on the way and appear to be effective. In that case, it is worth buying time. The success of healthcare in treating covid disease also shows that preparation time can save lives.
Newspapers in other countries are reprinting articles about the failure of the Swedish crown. The Swedes’ own confidence in handling the pandemic has also fallen, but from a high level. Therefore, it is necessary for the government to demonstrate that the chosen voluntary path can still break the negative trend, now that it has had months to prepare. It’s not just about the confidence of the outside world and voters. The high spread of infection costs lives, long-term sick leave, jobs and growth. The old truth about the flattened curve does not apply with an effective vaccine. Based on the picture, so many people would get sick as without any action, it would just take longer.