Every tenth state highway is in poor condition


More than one in ten state roads is in very poor condition, according to Transportföretagen. Stock Photography.Image: Fredrik Sandberg / TT

More than one in ten state highways is in very poor condition and in various parts of the country the roads are directly dangerous for traffic. It shows a survey of the industrial organization Transportföretagen.

The survey is based on open data from the Swedish Transport Administration on the 98,500 kilometers of state roads that make up the Swedish road network. Among other things, irregularities and expected service life of roads are examined. According to the report, annual maintenance of road surfaces should increase from the current approximately SEK 3 billion to SEK 5.4 billion per year until 2030.

“As long as resources for road maintenance are less than necessary, the Swedish Transport Administration will be forced to prioritize busy roads and large continuous lanes. The gap between city and country will grow. We are getting an increasingly polarized road network, “writes Tina Thorsell, head of social policy at Transportföretagen, in a press release.
