EU Migration Pact – Here’s what you need to know


● Last year, Ylva Johansson, formerly the Swedish Labor Minister in Stefan Löfven’s government, took over as EU Commissioner for Internal Affairs and Migration tasked with developing proposals for a new EU regulatory framework for migration . She started the task by listening to the positions of the different Member States and presented the Commission proposal on Wednesday.

• Since the refugee crisis of 2015, the different opinions of Member States on the issue of migration have impeded a new common asylum and migration policy. Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia stopped the European Commission’s earlier 2016 proposal for a mandatory distribution of asylum seekers, who have followed the voluntary route.

• The President of the European Commission, Ursula von den Leyen, recently revealed that the controversial Dublin Regulation must be removed and that countries must show solidarity with each other. Under the Dublin Regulation, asylum must be applied for in the first EU country reached. The regulations have imposed a heavy burden on arrival countries such as Italy and Greece, which have required relief from the rest of the EU. The system came under heavy pressure in 2015, when 1.3 million people applied for asylum in the EU, many of whom came through the Mediterranean.

● Ylva Johansson has previously said that the aim is to stop illegal escape routes to Europe in favor of legal routes to Europe and that it would be good if the EU could increase the reception of refugees with quotas. She has also said that they want to enter into collaborations with more countries outside the EU, similar to the agreements or collaborations that exist with Turkey or Libya. The agreement with Turkey was established in 2016 to stop the flow of refugees to Europe in exchange for the EU paying Turkey just over 63 billion Swedish crowns. But Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly threatened to denounce the deal, and as recently as last spring threatened to send 3.6 million Syrian refugees to the EU.

Read more:

New rules may end asylum dreams

Proposal: EU countries volunteer to receive asylum seekers
