– We have no problems with Amazon’s success or size. We focus on Amazon’s actions, which appear to hamper fair competition, Margerethe Vestager said at today’s press conference.
The Commission sees especially issues with Amazon’s dual roles. Being a market but also a seller in that market in competition with other companies.
According to the Commission, Amazon uses data from other companies that sell on the market to improve the range of its own products.
This is a review that has been in place since the summer of 2019. Now, a second review is also beginning on whether other sellers are at a disadvantage with Amazon.
This is special Important given how much the online shopping market has grown, it has almost doubled in the EU in the last five years and is worth € 720 billion.
It can lead to heavy fines. But that’s a preliminary assessment. Amazon, which denies the allegations, will now respond to the Commission.
But even if the problem is not resolved, Commissioner Margrethe Vestager believes that it is clear that something is not right when it comes to competition.