Mart Helme also called election winner Joe Biden “a corrupt guy.”
The statements have received strong criticism from the Estonian government and President Kersti Kaljulaid has called the minister’s statements an attack on Estonian democracy and security.
An image not shared by the outgoing minister.
-I have not done anything that endangers the security of Estonia. You can’t gag me, no one can gag me, says Mart Helme (Ekre) in connection with the announcement that he is leaving office.
This is not the first time Helme has gotten into trouble for controversial statements. Among other things, he has spoken of Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin in derogatory terms and has expressed that homosexuals can “go to Sweden”.
In a difficult situation after last year’s elections, the Center Party, Ekre and Fäderneslandet formed a coalition government. The fragile cooperation has gone through a series of political crises since then, and three Ekre ministers have resigned or been beaten.