Enemy backs Trump on swift judge nomination


On Tuesday, Republican Senator Mitt Romney from the state of Utah announced that President Donald Trump’s plan to swiftly appoint a new Conservative Justice to the US Supreme Court appears to be on hold.

On Tuesday, Donald Trump tweeted that he will present his nomination on Saturday. It is clear that it will be a woman, and one of the great favorites is Judge Bárbara Lagoa, 52, who grew up in Miami as the daughter of Cuban exiles.

Other favorite candidates are Joan Larsen, Britt Grant, Allison Eid, and Amy Coney Barrett.

Mitt Romney’s unexpected endorsement of Trump

Romney supports the Senate voting on Donald Trump’s candidate for justice this year. The announcement means that, in principle, it is clear that Republicans will be able to fill the seat, which was vacated when liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away on Friday during the year, CNBC reports.

– The constitution gives the president the power to nominate and the senate the authority to offer advice and consent on nominations to the Supreme Court. Accordingly, I intend to comply with the Constitution and participate in the consideration of the president’s nomination, Mitt Romney said in a statement.

Romney has a vote of no confidence against the president

Mitt Romney was the only Republican senator who earlier this year voted for a no-confidence motion against Donald Trump, but he does not appear to have plans to crack down on the presidential candidate.

– If the nomination reaches the Senate, I intend to vote based on their qualifications, Mitt Romney says in the statement.

READ MORE: So Bader Ginsburg became the most powerful woman in America.
READ MORE: “It will affect America for a generation”
READ MORE: Trump’s announcement tonight: HD’s new judge will sit 45 years

Hear from the KD politician about Donald Trump’s unexpected conversation.
