Empty asylum places cost the authority millions


Up to 2,000 places of accommodation for asylum seekers, as well as an “integration center” with education and restaurants. Such were the plans for Pite’s sea bath. Instead, the Swedish Migration Agency had to pay for hundreds of vacant places over four years, reports SVT Nyheter Norrbotten.

When many asylum seekers arrived in 2015, the Swedish Migration Agency was able to quickly find many accommodations and signed a four-year contract with the former tourist facility.

But then the number of asylum seekers decreased and not even half of the places in the sea bath could be used. However, the contract has expired and the rent has been the same: the bill has even increased more than planned and last year Pite havsbad became the provider of housing that cost the most: more than 85 million.

The total cost was described in 2016 as 240 million, but it comes to more than 350 million. Pite Havsbad management, which declined to comment on the matter, believes they followed through on the deal, SVT reports.

Housing at the facility was closed at the beginning of the year.
