However, in the absence of effective vaccines, immunity is a slower process that increases as the infection spreads in the population.
When the R number is found more than 1 increases the number of infected, while an R number of 1 means that the number of patients does not increase or decrease, since each infected individual transmits the infection to another person on average. When R = 1, the curve is above the number of newly infected planes. If the reproduction rate is less than 1, the number of infected people and the disease will disappear more or less quickly from the population.
The effective reproduction rate depends on the natural infectivity, but the infectivity decreases the more immune and less contact we have with other people. Drastic measures such as closing the partnership can mean that the R number drops rapidly. However, in the absence of effective vaccines, immunity is a slower process that increases as the infection spreads in the population. Therefore, immunity leads to a slower decrease in R’s.
The downward trend indicates that interventions in Sweden have had an effect, and perhaps increased immunity in the population may also have contributed to development.
In countries that used drastic measures early to reduce contact between people, immunity is likely to be low, and therefore restrictions must be lifted slowly, otherwise the spread of infection runs the risk of gaining momentum again. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor how the R number develops. The fact that Germany now reports an R figure of just over 1 does not mean disaster, but rather a slow growth trend. However, if the trend persists, some restrictions may need to be reintroduced.
According to the public health authority According to calculations, the R figure in Sweden was 1.4 in early April, around 1 in mid-April and less than 1 since April 21. The downward trend indicates that interventions in Sweden have had an effect, and perhaps increased immunity in the population may also have contributed to development.
However, to maintain the spread of infection in Sweden, it is important that we follow the recommendations, but in the long term, an increasing proportion of the immune population in the population may reduce the risk of an increasing curve in the number of people with diseases, even if contact between people increases.