The star: “My intention is always to be my best self”
Ellen DeGeneres is back on television.
For the first time, he talks about allegations of a poor work environment on his talk show.
– If I have hurt or disappointed someone, I apologize, he says.
Tv star Ellen DegeneresThe 62-year-old has had bad weather for several months after criticism from employees about a “toxic” work environment, bullying and racism on her talk show “The Ellen DeGeneres show.” Among other things, an internal investigation has been conducted and several big names have been fired from the program.
Now he’s back on television for the eighteenth season of his long career.
In the introductory monologue, he says, ironically of course, that he’s had a great summer.
– If you look because you love me, thank you, if you look because you don’t love me, welcome!
Take it seriously
Ellen DeGeneres also says she was looking forward to talking about the situation.
– As you may have heard, it was this summer’s accusations of a “toxic” work environment here on our show. And then there was an investigation. They told me that things happened here that should never have happened. I take it very seriously and want to apologize to those affected.
She says that she knows she has a position of power and is privileged, and that this means a great responsibility.
– We have had many conversations about the program in recent weeks, our workplace and what we want in the future. We have made the necessary changes. Today we begin a new chapter, he says.
Working on himself
Ellen DeGeneres also says that many have accused her of not being the person she wants to portray as on the television screen, where she has the slogan “be nice”, “please”. Being known as the “be nice” woman is tricky, she says.
– The truth is that I am the person you see on TV. I am also many other things. Sometimes I am sad, angry, worried, frustrated, impatient. I’m working on all of that.
In particular, work on your impatience. She also says that although she was such a good actress before that she could play a heterosexual woman in movies, she doesn’t think she’s such a good actress that she could have done her show every day for seventeen years and fooled everyone. to believe that she is another person who is not herself.
– My intention is always to be my best self. If I have hurt or disappointed someone, I apologize. If that’s the case, I’m also disappointed and hurt.
Ellen DeGeneres concludes her monologue by saying that she intends to make the new season the best of all.