After the photos from the party, the KD leader says that she has only been physically around people who are part of her “close circle of friends.”
Busch has been accused of using Säpo as a taxi.
– In fact, I take it very badly for that, says Ebba Busch.
Christian Democrats are keen to arouse mistrust in the government, Ebba Busch announced today at a news conference in the Riksdag.
– The reason why it will now be such an acute situation is because the Left Party now says that it is prepared to overthrow this government, and not only threatens him in general, but also acts drastically on the issue, says the leader of the party Ebba Busch.
Following the KD announcement, Swedish moderates and democrats have also joined the crowd. However, his party leaders question whether the Left Party is willing to carry out the threat of arousing mistrust.
Christian Democrats are keen to arouse mistrust in the government, Ebba Busch announced today at a news conference in the Riksdag.
The press conference was also about reports in recent days about what Ebba Busch has done in his spare time.
“People I should be able to be around”
The press conference also covered reports in recent days about what Ebba Busch has done in her spare time.
– I take this pandemic very seriously. I don’t want to be infected, I don’t want to have contributed to the infection, and we all have a personal responsibility to provide the best possible conditions for care and other parts of society to cope with, but also to show consideration for all those who may be affected. you don’t take personal responsibility, says Ebba Busch.
In late September, Busch attended a party with about 25 people, despite Prime Minister Stefan Löfven urging Swedes to “avoid crowded house parties” just two days earlier.
Ebba Busch at the party.
In the stills, the leader of KD can be seen posing cheek to cheek with other party participants.
Ebba Busch says she learned ahead of time that the invitation would be primarily outdoors and that there was plenty of room to maintain a social distance, but that in hindsight it would have been better to stay home.
In the stills, the leader of KD can be seen posing cheek to cheek with other party participants.
– Those with whom I am physically close, are people with whom I have decided that they should be able to be close, and where we follow the recommendations that exist from the Public Health Agency, for example, says Ebba Busch.
Outraged by Uber’s accusation
Ebba Busch also attended a dinner celebrating her friend Margaux Dietz’s birthday. Later, Ebba Busch’s bodyguards brought the influencer home.
S-top Annika Strandhäll tweeted that Säpo was used as “the party leader’s own Uber service.”
Ebba Busch reacts strongly to the accusation.
– This with the participation of Säpo in my life, is not my own choice. It is based on safety assessments carried out by Säpo. And in fact I am very upset that other high-ranking politicians have contributed in various ways to spread the image that the Swedish security police would be a kind of general taxi service.
– If I am in town with a friend, if, for example, I would like to go to NK here in Stockholm, then bodyguards will also come. And then it is also possible that, for example, the person who goes with me in the transport that Säpo has made the assessment that he should have, says Ebba Busch.
During the press conference, Ebba Busch was asked if the censorship message means that Ebba Busch is prepared to go to additional elections.
Feel free to go to additional elections
During the press conference, Ebba Busch was asked if the censorship message means that Ebba Busch is prepared to go to additional elections.
– The short answer to the question is yes.
The KD leader says she mainly sees a presidential round in front of her, where she hopes other parties will reevaluate the government.
– If you are not prepared to do so, and that for various reasons we would end up in an additional electoral situation, then we are happy to go to additional elections, says Ebba Busch.