Drunk driver was hit on the highway after a car chase


From: TT


Police were forced to pull a drunk driver off the road overnight until Saturday.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT

Police were forced to pull a drunk driver off the road overnight until Saturday. Stock Photography.

Police were forced to pull a very drunk motorist off the road in Piteå overnight until Saturday after the man refused to stop.

– At 03.33 we received several calls about a car that was going very bad and shaking and many were worried about the trip, so we went out and looked for it, says Michael Saveman, police rlc officer.

The shaky journey started and he left the city center and when the man was confronted shortly after by a police patrol, he decided to try to get away from the police. After a ten-minute car chase, the police managed to pull the man’s car off the road and stop him.

– I dare not say what affected him, but he was very affected, I can say so much, says Michael Saveman.

The man, who was previously known for similar offenses, resisted arrest and is now suspected of drunk driving, aggravated illegal driving, threatening an officer and violently resisting.

The man was so drunk that he had to be taken to hospital for treatment, according to police.

