On Wednesday, think tank Free World released its report on the aggressive diplomacy tactics of the Chinese embassy in Stockholm, where Swedish journalists and debaters are in the line of fire. In recent years, mainly under the dictatorship of President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, China’s foreign diplomacy has become aggressive and confrontational.
Inspired by two patriotic Chinese movies titled “Wolf Warrior,” in which a Rambo-style hero fights the country’s enemies and protects his interests, the tactic is called wolf diplomacy. China’s ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, has called on “diplomats of all levels to take up the fight.” China’s foreign minister also considered the necessary strategy to protect the honor and dignity of the country.
They are usually journalists or opinion leaders who have critically commented on China, the Communist Party or the Chinese regime. The ambassador – in Sweden it is Gui Congyou – reacts and writes a critical statement about what the dictatorship finds wrong. Not infrequently the person is ridiculed and called ignorant.
This is repeated on social media, with derogatory and aggressive formulations and, at times, also explicit threats of denial of visas to China. The goal is to make it so inconvenient to report on China’s activities that it ceases or lands in line with the country’s propaganda.
Free World has reviewed 67 public statements, since June 2018, from the Chinese ambassador. These are mainly issues that the regime considers sensitive, such as violations of fundamental human rights by the country, often in combination with what is happening in Hong Kong and Tibet. This also applies to the Swedish publisher Gui Minhai’s release demands.
Some also refer to the detention camps established by the Chinese regime in the western province of Xinjiang. It is unclear how many camps there are. But through satellite images, Buzzfeed News has identified 428 detention centers in the province. Thousands of Uighurs, Kazakhs and other Muslim minority groups were arrested and taken to the camps for “retraining”, because they had long beards or because someone downloaded an illegal application. The Muslim faith is the real reason.
Former detainees also testify on Buzzfeed News about fences and high walls and armed soldiers. Detainees are prohibited from speaking their mother tongue and are constantly monitored. Brutal interrogations and abuse are common. There are also reports of murders.
There are economic and technological gains with good international and commercial relations. China. But when making deals with Chinese companies and leaders, it is necessary to ensure that they do not become a political tool for the oppressive regime, especially in matters of human rights and national security.
It is also important that China’s crimes are attracted to and criticized. All information coming from the Chinese authorities, especially from the situation of dissent and ethnic minorities to the management of the crown, must be examined very critically. Swedish politicians, journalists and other opinion leaders will also refrain in future from adjusting to opinion oppressors in Beijing. Even if Sweden’s economic relations with China worsened.