The video showing President Trump’s return to the White House is both ridiculous and terrifying.
A mixture of parody of Hollywood and North Korea.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a democratically elected leader portray himself in the bombastic way that President Trump does on video. I recommend everyone to watch it to understand the world we live in and where the superpower of the United States is headed. The video is only 37 seconds long.
The message is clear when, with good music, he lands with the presidential helicopter on the White House lawn and shortly after he steps out to the balcony of the White House where he salutes with a stone face as the helicopter takes off.
This is the return of the great leader. The one who defeated the coronavirus in record time and is now in the service of the American people again. Trump the invincible.
Photo: Alex Brandon / AP
Trump salutes.
The plot is like a Hollywood action movie with the difference that it feels like a parody. The video leaves a bad taste in your mouth for another reason as well. This should represent the leader of the free world. A Democrat at your fingertips.
Instead, thoughts turn to dictatorships like North Korea. A variant of dictator Kim Jong-un’s ride on a white horse up a sacred snow-covered mountain. This is a movie that dictator Kim would love to copy.
A cult of personality that is not far behind Xi Jinping of China and Vladimir Putin of Russia. What will be the next step, giant statues the size of Saddam?
Nobody beats Donald Trump when it comes to ego size.
But in this case, it’s not just about him.
Deadly virus
Here we have a president who is still infected with a potentially deadly virus who ensures that he is discharged from the hospital just so he can project a stroke before the next election race.
Not a thought from all those who risk infecting their own staff. Several people in the vicinity of the president have already tested positive for covid-19. We do not know if it was him or the ones who transmitted the infection.
The White House may or may not say exactly when the president was infected.
Nor is there any thought of trying to reduce the spread of the infection and therefore the number of citizens who die from the disease.
President Trump’s first statement After he got out of the hospital, it was a call to the American people not to fear the virus, not to let it take over their lives. He himself realized the danger but was not afraid to face it.
He says this at the same time that news broke that 210,000 Americans have died in coivd-19 suites.
It’s easy for Trump to urge people not to be afraid because he has been given the best medical care available.
But the harsh reality for millions of Americans is that they don’t come close to such care. This is especially true for the black population, Hispanics, and other minorities who die disproportionately in COVID-19. In half of the poor areas of the United States, there are no intensive care units within a reasonable distance.
Take a big risk
For anyone who boldly believed that Trump’s death anxiety after falling ill with COVID-19 would make the president more humble in the face of the pandemic, Trump’s early statements are proof to the contrary.
The president seemed even more offensive in his belief that society must open up and the virus must be defeated by confronting it rather than trying to protect itself.
Many Americans admire Trump for returning so quickly, even though there is still a week left for him to know that he is in no danger of a setback. But the president still takes a great risk with his appeal to the population.
A vast majority of Americans believe they have done a poor job dealing with the crown crisis. The question is how many people think he treats you better just because he himself has suffered from the disease and also exposes others to the risk of infection.
But apparently Trump himself sees his supposed victory over the crown as a strong argument in front of the voters. He may be immune and “immortal”, while Biden may still have covid-19.
Of: Wolfgang Hansson