Donald Trump on New Election Fraud Charge – No Reason: “Tractors Blocked”


The president of the United States has begun tweeting on Saturday with the same furious, completely unconfirmed and therefore unsubstantiated allegations of widespread electoral fraud in the western world’s largest democracy.

CNN refuses to read the accusations: “False”

He now claims that tens of thousands of votes were illegally received after 8 a.m. on Election Day Tuesday, which he believes “slightly changed” the outcome to his detriment in Pennsylvania and other wave-master states.

CNN announces live that they refuse to read the president’s tweets because his accusations are simply untrue and untrue.

“Bad things happened when legal transparency was ruthlessly and cruelly denied. The tractors blocked the doors and the windows were covered with thick cardboard boxes so that the observers could not see inside the polling stations, “Donald Trump tweeted and continued in capital letters:

“Bad things happened there. Important changes occurred ”.

International election observers have not detected any fraud

Donald Trump also claims that hundreds of thousands of votes have been counted without observers gaining access. This despite the fact that the International Elections Observatory (OSCE), of which the United States is a member, has been present to examine the elections without detecting any widespread electoral fraud.

The president previously tweeted more fake news that Democrats have allowed “dead people” to vote in the election, that more than 100,000 “magic” votes for Biden appeared “out of nowhere” in Michigan, and that Wisconsin had, in the United States. , a completely unlikely turnout of 89 percent, a figure that was actually 72 percent.

So it is fake news that journalists have been able to dismiss after a few phone calls, which the President of the United States tweeted further without verifying the facts.
