Readers have literally flocked to DN for the past pandemic year. The desire to engage in quality journalism in times of crisis is one of the reasons for Dagens Nyheter’s good result for 2020, which reaches 202 million SEK, a sharp increase compared to 2019, when the result was 117 millions.
– For us, it is proof that journalistic quality pays off. DN invests in content so robust and credible that readers are willing to pay for it, says DN editor-in-chief Peter Wolodarski.
DN’s profit margin is 15 percent and since 2000 the newspaper has not achieved such a high profit level.
– It is one of the best results in the industry, perhaps the best, and proof that the DN strategy works. We used financial strength to further strengthen the magazine, most recently through a series of new reporter and editor appointments and by opening a new editorial office in Malmö, says Bonnier News CEO Anders Eriksson.
Dagens Nyheter chose during the corona crisis to open DN.se so that reading would be free for anyone who wanted to participate in the report on the pandemic. That initiative resulted in 300,000 people signing up for a trial subscription in 2020, with a quarter of them choosing to remain subscribers. In total, DN now has 366,000 subscribers, the highest number in a couple of decades, and most are completely digital.
– The influx is due to journalism being at the center of our business. Our way forward is to constantly invest in editorial content: be where it happens, have correspondents in the world, make the most important reviews and stories of our time, have a lively cultural and opinion journalism, among many other things, says DN editor-in-chief Peter Wolodarski.
Dagens Nyheter gave up a total of SEK 65 million in various state subsidies to which he was entitled last year.
In 2020, the Bonnier Group chose to amortize the pension bases in several of the Group’s newspapers, commitments to employees that have accumulated over a long period of time. As a single significant effect on the annual report, this change will have a negative effect on DN’s legally reported results.