A maximum of 1,100 patients were cared for in the Crown-adapted wards of the Stockholm Region during the worst crisis of the crown. Now that number has been reduced to 27 patients.
However, the number of new cases has risen in Stockholm over the past week and with it the risk of a second wave of seriously ill covid patients in hospitals in the region.
– It will put a lot of pressure on employees and mean that we will not be able to dedicate ourselves to the planned care that was already postponed with the pandemic, Stockholm’s chief physician Johan Bratt tells Svenska Dagbladet.
The chief physician: “Mentally very tired”
During the summer, the number of patients needing medical attention decreased and, in line with that, so did emergency preparedness in the Stockholm region.
– I would have liked to have seen more preparation throughout the year. We must start paying attention to the debt of care, but we must also be prepared for any covidito patients before we know what the end of the pandemic will be, says Carl Spindler, chief physician of the department of infections at Karolinska University Hospital, to SvD.
Spindler tells SvD that material preparation is good, but significantly worse when it comes to personnel. Since March, some 40 IVA nurses have left the hospital.
– Everyone, including myself, is very mentally tired. Above all, I am concerned about the nursing shortage that existed even before the pandemic. If, contrary to expectations, a new wave arrives, we will again take a step forward, but it will be difficult to face a scenario similar to the one we had at the beginning of the pandemic, says Spindler.
New restrictions can be introduced
Björn Eriksson, Medical and Health Director: “We see a skyscraper.”
Here’s CNN’s report on the handling of the Swedish krone
Here’s CNN’s report on the handling of the Swedish krone
Read more: The alarm: excessive optimism about immunity in Stockholm
Read more: There may be more restrictions in Stockholm