The counting of votes in the US presidential election is still ongoing, while Donald Trump continues to allege electoral fraud.
But despite the demands for recalculation and the possibility of more electoral votes, the chances of Trump being re-elected appear slim.
On Wednesday, the three electoral votes of the state of Alaska went to Donald Trump in the US presidential election.
So the incumbent president, albeit marginally, is targeting Joe Biden, who has already been named the election winner by various forecasters.
But vote counting continues, albeit slowly, in several states, and in the latter the situation on Thursday remained unchanged.
Thus, several US media stayed on Thursday morning with Biden securing 279 voters and Trump 217.
Photo: Alex Brandon / TT NEWS AGENCY
Donald Trump.
Winner announced
Those numbers include Nevada and Alaska, but not Arizona, as Fox News, for example, already announced Biden.
On Thursday morning Swedish time, he also declared Statistiksajten Decision Desk HQ that Biden, according to his poll, took home the victory in Arizona, which has a total of eleven electoral votes.
Biden has currently secured 279 voters and Donald Trump 217. With Arizona, Biden’s leadership will have 290 electoral votes.
On Tuesday, Decision Desk HQ stated that Trump brought home North Carolina, which with his 15 electoral votes gives Trump 232 electoral votes.
With 98 percent of the votes counted in Pennsylvania, Biden has been declared the state winner. However, the last votes are expected to take several days to be counted and since the margin of victory is less than 0.5 percentage points, the votes will also be counted.
Count by hand – all day
At the same time, various legal proceedings are underway in the state, following Donald Trump’s allegations of vote rigging.
On Wednesday, word came in that there will also be a recalculation in the state of Georgia. This will be done by hand and will be completed by November 20. According to the Reuters news agency, this means that accountants must pass through a total of 23,000 votes per hour, 24 hours a day, for the next eight days.
However, it will take a lot for the vote to change the outcome in the state, which on Thursday morning received about 14,000 votes in favor of Biden.
“Minimum possibilities”
And even if Biden in a new calculation lost Pennsylvania by 20 electoral votes and Trump took home the victory in uncertain Georgia with 16 electoral votes, Biden’s lead would still be 270, and therefore enough for victory.
Therefore, the chances of the incumbent president being re-elected appear very small.
Trump’s chances exist, but they are slim, said Björn Ottosson, an American political scientist and researcher earlier this week.
Photo: Andrew Harnik / TT NEWS AGENCY
Joe Biden.
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