On Thursday, the government held a press conference, in which Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Minister of Culture and Democracy Amanda Lind (MP) participated. The government announced there that they are opening to more audiences in sports stadiums, from 50 people today to 300 people.
But in Skåne, the 50-person limit can stay.
– Given the strong spread of the infection currently taking place in Skåne, we at Smittskydd Skåne believe this is not the time to raise the audience ceiling, says Skåne infection control doctor Eva Melander in a Press release.
KLIPP: harsh criticism of Kristianstad after Skåne’s threat of a continuous limit of 50
“Describe the seriousness”
The new government rules take effect on November 1, but there are opportunities for county administrative boards to decide on local regulations.
– No decision has been made yet, but if necessary, we are prepared to decide by the end of next week to keep the audience limit of 50 people, says Ola Melin, CEO of the Skåne County Administrative Board, and explains which in that case would be the first time the county administrative board has decided on local regulations.
– We have not previously considered that possibility. But when we now talk to Smittskydd Skåne and they describe the seriousness, we start a case about a possible decision. And it’s important to point it out early so that not all organizers start selling tickets and preparing.
CLIP: Every 10th covid test has been positive in recent days