The Government has commissioned the OECD to investigate the methods and data used in the PISA 2018 survey. At the same time, the National Agency for Education has been tasked with negotiating “the content, timing and cost” of the review. This, despite officials from the National Education Agency have repeatedly claimed that no mistakes were made, Expressen reported Monday.
The moderates and liberals on the Education Committee have now tabled a proposal to ask the government to designate an independent investigation into PISA.
“The government has asked the OECD to re-review Sweden’s results in PISA 2018. But the Education Committee does not think it is enough. Therefore, the committee wants the Riksdag, in an announcement, to ask the government to designate an independent investigation with people who are independent of the National Agency for Education and the OECD.“, It is written in the proposal.
The foreign born were eliminated
The proposal arises as a result of the PISA review of Expressen. It revealed that a large number of foreign-born students had been incorrectly removed from the sample. The figures also indicated that Swedish-born students with weak language skills were eliminated.
Sweden thus violated official OECD regulations. Had the rules been followed, the Swedish results would have been significantly worse.
Several parties reserve
The Social Democrats, the Green Party, the Center Party and the Left Party have reservations about the proposal. M and L, along with Christian Democrats and Swedish Democrats, make up the majority on the education committee.
However, the committee has a supposed “impure majority” in this decision. This means that the parties that have a majority in the committee would not have it in the Riksdag. Therefore, the proposal can be rejected when it reaches the Riksdag, if everyone maintains the party line.
Critical parts write:
“The OECD has already been asked to review Sweden’s results one more time and, according to the parties, the OECD is in the best position to review the quality of the PISA survey. This is because the OECD has the best knowledge of the survey and what makes it comparable across countries over time.”.
The management of the investigation by the National Education Agency is criticized.