Denmark stops flights from Great Britain


Yesterday, Home Secretary Mikael Damberg announced that Sweden will introduce an entry ban from the UK. The background is the mutated form of the coronavirus that is spreading in the country and that according to preliminary evaluations is said to spread much faster than previous variants of the virus that causes covid-19.

– We are preparing a decision on a travel ban from the UK. It should be able to take effect as soon as possible, Mikael Damberg told SVT on Sunday.

In Sweden, a formal decision on the entry ban is expected to be made on Monday. Denmark also now joins a number of other European countries that have made similar decisions.

The country’s Health Minister, Magnus Heunicke, announces via Twitter that Denmark will close its airspace to incoming flights from the United Kingdom from 10.00 am and that the decision is valid for 48 hours.

READ MORE: What we know about the mutated coronavirus

The text is updated.

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