In addition to the new restrictions, those that already exist will also be extended.
With 859 confirmed infected During the past 24 hours, the spread of infection in Denmark continues to increase. The infection situation is described as “worrying” in 84 out of 98 municipalities. The figures are the highest during the entire corona crisis and have followed an upward curve in the last five days: 452, 529, 630, 760 and 859. The total number of infections on Friday was 38,622 and the number of deaths For covid-19 it was then 697. Of these, three have died in the last 24 hours.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.
Photo: Francis Joseph Dean / Shutterstock
Mouth guards are already necessary in public transport and in cafes and restaurants if you are not sitting. Cafes and bars must close before 10 pm. A maximum of 50 people can meet.
Now this is sharp.
– There will be a requirement for mouth protection. also in the interior, which means shops, cinemas, cultural institutions, hospitals and schools where young people are educated throughout the year. No alcohol will be sold after 10pm.
– To keep society as open as possible, we must limit some.
Søren Brostrøm, from the National Board of Health, said that while they don’t have “perfect evidence” that mouthwashes are effective, they are now based on foreign experience and documentation:
– This has led us to convince ourselves that mouth guards make a difference when it comes to spreading. There we are on solid ground.
The government is also lowering the limit for how many can 50 to 10 people meet at the same time. The message was clear: meet as few people as possible.
– Everyone should also limit the number of people they hang out with in a week.
Throughout the year, sporting events held indoors may not have more than 500 people.
– The situation is serious but We have not returned to where we were on March 11, when we had ten in the hospital, now we are better equipped. But we know how fast it can go.
During Friday’s press conference, Health Minister Magnus Heunicke announced that the so-called r-number, which tells how many infected people he is currently transmitting the infection to, is 1.2.
Health Minister Magnus Heunicke warned that now the number of admitted to the hospital will increase. Four out of five regions will have great pressure on health care if nothing is done, he said.
The number of intensive care units It will be expanded by another 300 seats. There is no stronger pressure on health at this time, the measure should be seen as preventive, it was also said during the press conference.
– We must act before it is too late, said Kåre Mølbak, director of the Statens Serum Institut.
– And there is no single thing that drives the infection. It exists in all of society.
Prime Minister Frederiksen understood that the new restrictions will be one more test for the population:
– I think I speak for all Danes when I say that we are tired. If the infection goes down, we can change some of this. And we did it earlier this year because we were on time, Frederiksen said.
Border controls will be tightened until January 2 of next year. Denmark only allows travel to Gävleborg, Kalmar, Värmland, Västerbotten and Västernorrland in Sweden, as well as Norway and Greece.