Demoscope: two out of three positive for corona vaccine


Young people are less likely to get vaccinated

From: Fanny westling


A covid-19 vaccine could lead us back to a normal life, without distances, mouth guards and restrictions.

Two out of three Swedes can imagine taking the syringe, but many want to wait a bit earlier.

– I will not be the first to leave, says Lisa, 35 years old.

Sweden’s vaccine coordinator Richard Bergström believes that Swedes can start getting vaccinated from January next year, if all goes according to plan.

Two in three Swedes can imagine taking the syringe with them when a vaccine is available, shows a survey Aftonbladet has conducted together with Demoskop.

But far from everyone is the first in line. Only 25 percent of those surveyed want to get vaccinated as soon as possible, while 41 percent want to wait a little earlier.

– I’m thinking about what happened with the swine flu and I don’t feel like I’m in any risk group, says Lisa, 35, who works as a control manager.

I won't be the first out, says 35-year-old Lisa.

I won’t be the first out, says 35-year-old Lisa.

She thinks it’s good if you get vaccinated, so life can get back to normal by traveling and socializing.

– It’s good that people want to try and do it, I will not be the first to go out, says Lisa, 35 years old.

The least interest among the young

Young Swedes are less likely to get vaccinated.

Only 16 percent of those under 34 say they will take it as soon as possible, and 27 percent say they won’t take it at all. There are more are the remaining target groups, where only 20 percent say they do not want to be vaccinated.

– If you’re not sure it’s a hundred, I may be a little worried. But if everyone has been tested and I realize it’s safe, I don’t see a problem with it, says recruiter Edward, 21.

He has not reflected on how he will fare, but he thinks he will wait a bit, like many others his age.

Edward, 21, still hasn’t thought about what to do.

Rose-Marie, 72, thinks it would have been nice if the young people had also gotten the vaccine. Edwin, 76, says you can only take a chance.

Rose-Marie, 72, thinks it would have been nice if the young people had also gotten the vaccine. She believes that you have to dare to trust the doctors and the authorities.

– If you are young, you feel immortal. You can see that, how they move in the city. But it is also a pity of them, when we were young it was only to go out, it is not today.

Greater risk with crown

He will get the vaccine immediately when he arrives, like every four Swedes.

– You hope that it helps you not to get this crown, so you can continue living

Eva, 59, believes that Anders Tegnell is a sensible person. She believes the consequences of the swine flu vaccine are making authorities more vigilant now.

Just over half of Swedes believe that Sweden’s strategy to deal with the corona pandemic is a good one. One of them is Eva, 59 years old. He does not share the concern that the vaccine could have side effects.

– I’m not a doctor, but I think there is a higher risk of side effects from corona infection than from the vaccine.

She says she will also get vaccinated to protect her older relatives and believes that many others like her.

– That’s the only thing we can oppose now. If it is properly tested and there is not such a great risk of side effects, I think it is reasonable to do so.


