Under the slogan “Take care of Gothenburg,” Democrats presented their budget for 2021 on Tuesday. Investments in schools, employees in the wellness professions and, above all, security-creating measures will continue.
– Everyone who has followed what has happened in Gothenburg in recent years knows that development has gone in the wrong direction in many places when it comes to security and democracy, says party leader Martin Wannholt, referring especially to the situation in particularly vulnerable areas of the city.
Get together Democrats want to open up negative development in manned local police stations in three of these areas: Bergsjön, Biskopsgården and Tynnered. It is also promised that for every local area police officer designated by the police, there will be three security guards to be financed with municipal funds, an allocation of 150 million that will double by 2022.
Wannholt paints a dark picture of the situation in the city, where he believes radical groups are allowed to grow stronger in parallel with serious organized crime.
– We really do not want to invest municipal money in non-municipal activities, but now we have this development and we feel that this is something with which we must help the police, says Wannholt, who emphasizes that many sectors of society must cooperate for the trend. with shootings and children who are recruited by criminal gangs at a young age should be able to break.
School is one of those areas. Democrats are now reiterating their demand for a two-teacher system, which will create better levels of knowledge in core subjects, but will also increase safety among teachers and keep more people in the profession.
The party also wants to increase the language requirement among preschool employees and wants to introduce language tests and training.

On Tuesday, Democrats presented their budget for 2021.
Photo: Veronika Ljung-Nielsen
In last year’s budget Democrats invested more money in the school than other parties. City Councilor Jessica Blixt, the party’s middle name, with a long career within the school, says the other parties are now doing the same and almost at the level of funding for the Democrats.
– I am very happy about it, but it is a pity that these investments did not come before. This has been a lost year for teachers and students, says Blixt.
Democrats also want to spend $ 4 million on oversight of municipal activities to prevent undemocratic actors from using the system.
– This has become a widespread problem in Gothenburg. Extremists and criminals have seen that money can be made here. To cope with this oversight, additional resources are required, says Blixt.
The party puts In his budget he also presents proposals to improve the housing situation in Gothenburg and wants to start a municipal housing foundation to help young people to enter the housing market. Martin Wannholt says he has contact with people who are willing to contribute between SEK 100 to 200 million to the foundation.
The party also wants to ease the housing situation for city students by rebuilding the currently closed hotel in Heden to 180 student apartments. The municipal real estate company Higab recently purchased the land and hotel from Liseberg AB.
– Gothenburg should prioritize student housing rather than spending more money on city-owned hotel beds, of which there is already excess capacity, says Wannholt, who when a new detailed plan for the area is presented, wants to see a new residential area on the site.
Another youth initiative is that of sports leaders paid by the municipality, something that could also be applied in the cultural sector.
The democrats became the second largest party in the 2018 local elections with opposition to the Västlänken train tunnel as the main issue, but it has been outside the ruling majority. It has also been outlined with the requirement to reduce the number of employees in the municipality.
Martin Wannholt says that when you study the budgets of the other parties, you lack savings. He explains that Democrats have had to adjust their demands, among other things due to the pandemic, but believes that it is still possible to save 600 million SEK on committees and companies.
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