Decided: Huddinge Municipal Home Care Service to Close


Karl Henriksson (KD) is the chair of the care and wellness committee and became the casting vote during the meeting. He’s not worried about the transition, even though the municipality’s largest private home care provider is not allowed to do business.

– Of course, in the management analysis, several different risks and scenarios have been weighed and the board of directors would not have made their decision if we had not received a satisfactory response. There are a fairly large number of approved private contractors in the municipality, he says.

Before the decision to be taken, thousands of Huddinge residents signed up to stop the proposal. When DN met with the home care staff behind the collection of names, they questioned the municipality’s idea of ​​closing the municipal home care service amid a prevailing pandemic.

“You keep fighting and this is a nice Christmas present,” said Maya Fink, who works as a care attendant at the Huddinge municipal home care service.

Following the decision, concerns also rise among various other municipal activities. Pablo Mendoza, president of the local branch of the Teachers Association in Huddinge, is concerned.

– We are very concerned and fearful that preschools and schools will be affected soon. We look at the development with great concern, he says.

Municipal management has to The political objective is to increase the proportion of private contractors in Huddinge, at the same time it has been made clear that municipal activities that do not have a balanced economy can be closed. In next year’s budget, the school and preschool will receive a one percent increase, which in practice means savings.

Nicholas Nikander (left) is a city councilor and says there are currently no concrete plans to produce similar proposals for other parts of city activities, but that this could happen in the future.

– That companies have a balanced economy is a fundamental factor for us as a municipality to comply with the requirements of municipal law for good financial management. So even if there are no concrete plans at the moment, similar proposals could come up, he says.

Educational administration She is not currently tasked with closing any school units due to a financial shortfall, says Helena Näslund, acting director of education in Huddinge municipality.

Marianne Wangenheim and Maya Fink work in the municipal home care service.

Marianne Wangenheim and Maya Fink work in the municipal home care service. “How can they even think of doing this during a prevailing pandemic when there is already so much concern?” Asks Marianne Wangenheim.

Photo: Lisa Mattisson

Pablo Mendoza believes that the municipality for several years has implemented cuts in preschools and municipal schools that have caused deficits and deterioration of results.

– When units receive very little money to carry out basic activities, principals have to choose between complying with the Education Law to ensure that all students are supported or maintaining a budget using resources, he says.

The municipal tax will be reduced the mandate is reduced by one or more steps in Huddinge, as shown in the 2021 budget. The municipal tax will be reduced by ten öre in 2021, corresponding to 27.6 million SEK.

Pablo Mendoza believes that it could have consequences for students if the closure of one of the municipal schools were relevant.

– There will be consequences for students who attend the closed school and students from nearby schools, because companies do not have to take into account the principle of proximity, students are sent to other schools. Today, the classes are already overcrowded.

Sara Heelge Vikmång (C), is an opposition councilor and is disappointed with the decision and the moderate-led coalition in Huddinge.

– First they reduce the tax by the equivalent of 27 million SEK, then they close the municipal home care service to save money. They are exposing our seniors to even greater anxiety now that they are forced to switch home care services while staff have to search for new jobs. All this in the midst of a fiery pandemic. The moderates are following an irresponsible policy, says Sara Heelge Vikmång.
