Debaters: What did Sweden do with the precautionary principle?


The precautionary principle. It is a model for public decision making in situations where a possible environmental or health risk has been demonstrated, but when the available scientific knowledge is insufficient for a certain conclusion about the existence or magnitude of the risk. In a pandemic caused by a new virus, both knowledge of the virus’s properties and evidence of many actions are lacking. Especially then the precautionary principle should be used. That Swedish strategy not characterized by the precautionary principle was highlighted, among other things, in a debate article in SvD on March 19.

The Public Health Authority has stated that there is insufficient data to support that people without symptoms can become infected, that the infection can spread on public transport, or that the use of mouth protectors can reduce the spread of infection. The fact that there is no data yet is a reason to be very careful. If there were valid data showing that the infection does not spread without symptoms or on public transport or that oral protection does not protect, the Public Health Authority would have justified its attitude.
