Death threat directed at Chief of Police Erik Nord


Several informants within the police tell GT that a serious threat was directed at the Gothenburg police over the weekend.

According to district court documents, a suspect was arrested yesterday at 4:45 p.m., but it is said that further preparation is still in place and various security measures have been taken around two police houses and police chief Erik Nord.

According to the information, the threats, which were considered credible, were directed both at the police authority in general and specifically at the Gothenburg police chief, Erik Nord. The chief of police was to be “blown up and killed” and threats of explosive charges were made against two police houses. This applies to the large police house on the Ernst Fontell site and the city police facilities on Stampgatan.

No evacuation of the facility is said to have taken place, but more preparedness has prevailed since the weekend.

Gripen man

Since Wednesday, a prosecutor has been involved in the case and a preliminary investigation has been launched. A man was arrested Wednesday afternoon on suspicion of serious illegal threats.

– I’ve been running that case since yesterday. The suspicion is a serious illegal threat and one person is in custody in the case, says prosecutor Anna Johansson.

About the detainee, he says:

– I do not want to go into details but he is known before.

Anna Johansson confirms that the police assessed the threat as acute and serious.

– Yes, they have done it and they have worked hard to achieve it, that’s all.

– You have felt that you should take it seriously and have acted accordingly.

Anna Johansson does not want to comment on the details of exactly what the threat looks like.

– I do not want to comment on what the threat consisted of, but he is suspected of two serious illegal threats against the police authority.

“Directed to the police authority”

Regarding the information that the threat was also directed personally to Police Chief Erik Nord, she says:

– It has addressed the police authority in different ways.

GT has contacted Erik Nord, who does not want to comment.

– There’s nothing I can tell you about it. We do not comment on threats at this stage. Whether I am a victim of a crime or not, I am not the one who should speak.

Acting deputy regional police chief Mats Bergström does not want to comment either.

– I don’t want to comment on that. You can call on our communicator.

Christer Fuxborg, police spokesman, says:

– I do not know more about what has occurred and otherwise I refer the prosecutor.

See also:

The email between Erik Nord and the center leader about the Nazi march in Gothenburg.

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