Death of police after Trump riots | GP


Thus, the policeman is the fifth death of the rioters.

In a press release, the police write about his colleague:

“He was physically injured during the clashes with the protesters. He then returned to the station where he collapsed.”

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The policeman was taken to hospital, but his injuries were so serious that he died the night before, Friday, Swedish time.

The policeman’s death and its causes are now under investigation.

The 42-year-old cop is the fifth victim after the chaos and uproar that ensued when supporters of President Donald Trump, unhappy with the election outcome, stormed the Capitol in Washington on Wednesday.

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In connection with the riot, the police shot and killed a 35-year-old woman inside the Capitol.

Three other people have died in connection with the storm. In those cases, it is claimed that the people died of “acute medical reasons”.

READ MORE: Trump admits defeat – vows to leave the White House

The text is updated

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