It was on Friday that the party announced its plans to send a controversial announcement to the Danish media. At first, they received a lukewarm reception that either rejected their request to publish it. Or asked for time to think.
In order to get the conservative ads published, the party has raised more than half a million crowns, through direct donations, reports TV2.
On Sunday, the party received a pacifier. It started with the Weekendavisen editor-in-chief saying in a radio interview that he would run the ad if he could receive it. Shortly after that, Berlingske editor-in-chief Tom Jensen wrote on Twitter that he intended to publish it as well.
– I’m happy about that. Of course, I was hoping that most of the media would take it and use the freedom of the press that we have in Denmark, Pernille Vermund tells TV2.
Charlie Hebdo drawings
The former head of the Danish police intelligence service (PET) believes that the publicity of the match can be dangerous for many. At the same time, the party leadership will be protected.
– I think it’s a silly, unimaginative and childish provocation where you play with the safety of others while sitting in your ivory tower, says Hans Jørgen Bonnichsen, former PET manager of Ritzau.
According to TV2, the planned full-page advertisement contains text on the importance of freedom of expression and the French school teacher Samuel Paty, who was assassinated on October 16 because he had used some cartoons of Muhammad in his teaching.
At the bottom of the ad page are the two Muhammad cartoons he used, which originally came from the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which was the target of a terrorist attack in 2015.
The party has not yet received permission from the newspaper to publish drawings, but is waiting for a response, writes TV2.
The trial of the Charlie Hebdo terrorists begins now: