Dan Eliasson returns to Sweden after Christmas trip


Of: Jamshid Jamshidi, Sophie Tanha, Jimmy Wixtröm, Nellie Håkansson, Peter Wixtröm


Dan Eliasson is back in Sweden after a two week Christmas trip to Gran Canaria.

The MSB CEO left Arlanda directly through the VIP exit of the airport and disappeared in a waiting taxi.

So far, MSB has declined to comment on the CEO’s vacation for security reasons.

Now the managing director of the agency is back in Sweden.

But instead of going out through the arrivals hall where the police were preparing for his arrival and the media were waiting for him, the head of the MSB left through the VIP exit of the airport.

The CEO traveled to Spain for Christmas.


The CEO traveled to Spain for Christmas.


Dan Eliasson has landed in Sweden.

There was a taxi bus waiting that took Dan Eliasson from Arlanda without him meeting with the press.

Early Saturday, he explained to Expressen that his Christmas trip was necessary.

– I have made the assessment that the trip is necessary. I have a daughter who lives and works here. And I celebrated Christmas with her and my family, Eliasson told Expressen.

He also says that during the trip he was free during the Christmas holidays, he worked and “trained a lot.”

The MSB press office says it has nothing to say about Dan Eliasson’s return to Sweden or his stay in Gran Canaria.

– We have no comment, says the person who responded to the MSB press service that he did not want to give his name.


Dan Eliasson at the Gran Canaria airport.


