Damberg in conversation about Estonia – News (Ekot)


– We agreed that we should both find out how far each country has come in its legal analyzes of the situation, to also listen a lot to the expert authorities who are now working, but that we should also meet in the future to try to work as much as possible together . , the three countries, says Interior Minister Mikael Damberg (S).

After a film crew Photos shown in late September of previously unknown damage to the sunken Estonian ship, the Estonian safety investigation authority began a preliminary assessment. Assistance was also sought from the relevant authorities in Finland and Sweden, the Accident Investigation Board and the Swedish Accident Investigation Board. That work is already underway.

Last week, this was followed by a decision by the Estonian government to try to establish a joint commission of inquiry, in the same way as after the 1994 accident. However, Interior Minister Mikael Damberg first wants to await the conclusions. of the three expert authorities.

– Our three expert authorities in Estonia, Sweden and Finland have already started working together to verify this new information, but also to make an initial assessment of what is behind this hole in the hull and this work is already underway. you can say.

But isn’t there a formal investigation anyway?

– No, but our expert authorities must first verify this information, but also assess how they see it. And we are very clear from the Swedish government, as well as the Estonian and Finnish governments, that we want to understand what caused the hole in the helmet and how it has affected the process, says Interior Minister Mikael Damberg (S).
