Crucial hours for Brexit negotiations | Aftonbladet



From: TT


EU Brexit chief negotiator Michel Barnier on his way to Monday's ambassadors meeting in Brussels.

Photo: John Thys / AP / TT

EU Brexit chief negotiator Michel Barnier on his way to Monday’s ambassadors meeting in Brussels.

Negotiations between the EU and the UK are not yet on track for future post-Brexit trade, fisheries and cooperation.

According to diplomatic sources from the Reuters news agency, the EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier informed the ambassadors of member states on Monday morning that the three main issues, fisheries, fair conditions and dispute resolution , are still unsolved.

“Decisive hours for the future relationship between the EU and the UK. Michel Barnier has started briefing the EU ambassadors on the situation,” the German presidency of the Council of Ministers announced on Twitter.

Barnier and British Chief Negotiator David Frost will continue their deliberations for the day, ahead of a web meeting scheduled for this afternoon between EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.


