Crown spread is more common among people over the age of 70.


Better routines in nursing homes would protect the most vulnerable in the event of a second corona wave. At the same time, assistant infection control physician Leif Dotevall cautioned that “however, in a chain it is always the weakest link that is missing.”

Now the spread of the infection is increasing rapidly in Västra Götaland nursing homes again. Between week 45 and week 47, the infection nearly tripled.

– Obviously, it is very unfortunate that it is increasing again in our nursing homes, given that a lot has been done and a lot is being done in our nursing homes. I’m thinking so much about staff training, protective gear and all, says Thomas Wahlberg, infection control doctor at Västra Götaland.

READ MORE: Criticism of Ivo: deficiencies in the care of the elderly during the pandemic

Older people outside the home are affected

It is in the largest risk group, among people older than 70, where the infection increased most rapidly in the region last week. So it’s not just about people in special housing.

– Unfortunately, I think this is because we have a large expanse of society. Then it will be the case that the elderly are also affected. It’s not just the elderly in nursing homes, because many over the age of 70 don’t live in nursing homes.

Last week, 122 cases were reported in nursing homes in the region, while a total of 376 cases were discovered among people older than 70 years. This indicates that there is a significant spread of the infection also among the elderly outside the home.

– We need to look at it properly. We haven’t really broken down so I only have the general stats yet. But what we see clearly is that we get an increase in the number of new cases in nursing homes. In fact, we have seen that increase since week 44.

READ MORE: New record levels: here the infection increases more in Västra Götaland

“We will see more deaths”

The fact that infection is increasing in nursing homes is also visible nationally. Irene Nilsson Carlsson, a public health adviser for the National Board of Health and Welfare, emphasizes that the situation is dire.

– It is very important to keep all the good routines at home, think more about what you can do more and that we all do what we can to influence the spread of infection in society, of course.

It’s difficult to assess exactly what the spread of the infection in the form of deaths will lead to, he says, since deaths are reported to a greater extent afterward.

– But we know that we will see more deaths depending on the infection situation in special homes. What we can hope for is that we don’t end up in the extremely negative development we had last spring.

As in the spring, a large portion of the fall deaths from the disease are people over the age of 80.

– It is the oldest of our population who are once again affected by mortality, declared state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, at the press conference of the Swedish Public Health Agency on Thursday.

READ MORE: Suspicion of corona in nursing homes in 93 municipalities

More tests give more cases

Infection rates in nursing homes are now almost as high as when it was at its worst in the spring. But the number of confirmed cases does not paint a completely correct picture, Thomas Wahlberg notes.

– There is much more sampling now in our nursing homes than what was done this spring and what could be done this spring. It also goes back to the infection by having a completely different opportunity with sampling, says and continues:

– The important thing now is that if we find cases in nursing homes, then it is important to try to limit an outbreak. Once you have received it, you must prevent it from spreading between users, as it is called. But since there is a lot between the staff and a lot in the society, it is difficult.

READ MORE: The second corona wave may peak in mid-December

READ MORE: After criticism of the care of the elderly, the supply of doctors must be greater

READ MORE: Tegnell: As long as the restrictions remain

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