Currently 1,615 patients are cared for in other covid-19 departments. Here, too, a declining figure is seen in the number of inmates, according to the National Board of Health and Welfare.
– In short, it still has a serious burden on healthcare, but it is a stable situation. We also see this when we look at the number of secondary transports of intensive care patients with covid-19, says Sandwall.
Between weeks 10 and 20 62 patient transports were carried out between different regions, where a large proportion of transports took place between weeks 15 and 17.
– The other weeks, only occasional transportation has been done between regions, says Sandwall.
On the site is also available Svante Werger, Advisor to the Swedish Agency for Social Protection and Contingency, MSB.
– When we assess the situation in Sweden at the moment, we see, as before, a moderate impact on operations in most social sectors, says Werger.
A moderate impact means that it is a difficult resource situation, that more stringent priorities may have to be set than usual, or that the staff load is at the limit, but “that you are handling the situation well.”
“The impact on socially important activities has decreased somewhat in recent weeks in most social sectors,” says Werger, continuing:
– The situation has gradually become more stable in recent weeks. Society works.
Public Health Authority Sara Byfors You receive a question about the Spanish study on the low number of antibodies.
– We still know very little about how many antibodies you have to have to be immune to this disease, so for us the results do not change anything.
She also receives a question about the herd’s immunity:
– Our strategy is not collective immunity. Our strategy is to reduce the spread of infection and protect vulnerable groups from infection, Byfors says.