Crown bud at the University of Mälardalen | Aftonbladet


Of: Anna Sjögren


About 30 economics students at the University of Mälardalen have been infected with the coronavirus.

That’s after attending a kick-in party.

– It’s deeply regrettable, says Marie Gunnarsson, SVT university interim director of administration.

At the beginning of the semester, four economics programs at the University of Mälardalen organized a ground-breaking party and activities to welcome their new students.

Now 31 of the students have been confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus, writes SVT Västmanland.

– It is very unfortunate that this happened. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have urged our students to keep their distance and follow the guidelines for infection control, says Malin Gunnarsson, who is acting head of administration at the University of Mälardalen for SVT.

31 students have been infected with the coronavirus after a housewarming party.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

31 students have been infected with the coronavirus after a housewarming party.

Asked to stay home

According to the head of administration, the parties have been organized outside the university area and outside the school, on four different occasions.

– We have directly contacted all students who participate in educational programs, says Marie Gunnarsson.

To isolate the outbreak, all teaching at the four schools will take place remotely for the next two weeks.

The Västerås Infection Control Doctor recommends everyone who participated in the party to stay home and stay away from other people for two weeks.

Even people who have not participated in the festivities, but have hung out with people who have been there, are encouraged to stay home.


