Crown and pregnancy: so says the Public Health Authority


Pregnancy and crown: the new guidelines of the Public Health Authority

ofJohn GranlundMalin Wigen


The Public Health Authority has new directives for pregnant women.

Anyone who will give birth soon, or who has a risk factor, should be extremely cautious.

Aftonbladet Family has previously written that pregnant women are a risk group in the UK but not in Sweden. Anders Tegnell, urban epidemiologist, answered why.

– Pregnant women do not appear in any scientific study as a risk group. Not in the great materials of China, not in the great materials of Italy, he said.

He also noted that the Public Health Authority is following up and that the situation may change. What you have done now.

According to the authority’s latest message, anyone who is pregnant and has a risk factor such as obesity, high blood pressure, or diabetes should be extremely cautious. If you are pregnant with risk factors, you should consult with your midwife or doctor and limit your close contact with people outside the home as much as possible, according to the Public Health Authority, as other risk groups should.

Most gain a few pounds during pregnancy, is that a risk factor?

– The answer is no. The obesity warning does not apply to the extra pounds a pregnancy brings, Anders Tegnell told the Aftonbladet reporter.

Also, it is important for pregnant women to avoid becoming infected before birth because an infection of the respiratory tract in late pregnancy can be cumbersome and pose risks to the pregnant woman.

“We therefore recommend that pregnant women take precautionary measures against infection before delivery,” the authority writes on its website.

New guidelines for gravia in the coronavirus.

Photo: TT

New guidelines for gravia in the coronavirus.

Pregnant women are being treated with VAT

Overall, pregnant women do not appear to be at greater risk than others of becoming seriously ill on covid-19. But there are reported cases where pregnant women who have been infected have had to be treated with VAT in Sweden.

“We want to prevent more pregnant women from becoming seriously ill or needing intensive care,” says Anders Tegnell, a state epidemiologist at the Public Health Authority.

More knowledge about covid-19 and pregnant women is still needed. Both the WHO and the Public Health Authority closely follow the question and update the information when new insights are added, they write on the website.

Feed with covid-19

A woman who has, or is suspected of having, covid-19 must give birth to her child in an isolation room where staff have special protective equipment.

Here you can also read about Schyler who was sick on covid-19 when she gave birth to children.

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A central part of the Swedish crown’s strategy was to protect the frail and the elderly. Despite this, the infection has taken over many nursing homes. In this section we discuss what went wrong, if the situation looks the same in neighboring countries and what we could have done differently.

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