Criticism of Dan Eliasson after the trip to Las Palmas


Göran Greider, Social Democrat, author, journalist and editor-in-chief of the independent Social Democrat Dala-Demokraten, writes on Twitter: “On Monday, Eliasson will be fired by the government. I hope.”
He is not the only one who is critical

Amanda Sokolnicki, political editor at Dagens Nyheter, has reacted to the fact that the trip would be “necessary.”

Stefan Olsson (SD) is a city councilor in Landskrona. He jokingly writes on Twitter: The head of the “Agency for the Sun and Swimming”. (MSB). Apparently the trip was “necessary”! ”

Anders Ågren, moderate city councilor in Umeå emphasizes that many people have had to give up their wishes:

And MEP Katarina Brännström describes the response “as a mockery”:

“Honorable who came forward”

S-tagged political scientist Marja Lemne says Dan Eliasson is positive that he answered Expressen’s questions at the airport.

– It is honorable that it has been presented and explained, but the explanation was not so good.

Communication expert Niclas Lövkvist doesn’t think so either. He says Dan Eliasson shouldn’t have traveled at first, but that the explanation put him in an even worse situation. He says that in the kind of crisis situation Dan Eliasson finds himself in, one has to start with how outsiders can perceive him and then say his message.

– A school example of how not to do it.

Dan Eliasson is used to windy weather. Previously, he was CEO of the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, but left after internal criticism in 2014. He landed a new high-level position as head of the national police, was also heavily criticized there and started in 2018 as head of MSB.

Jenny Madestam, associate professor of political science, says she has been assigned several top positions in government agencies because she is “extremely skilled” in “leading organizations for change.” If she will have to quit now, she does not say:

– I definitely think there will be a discussion about his suitability to continue as a coach. I think most people may be surprised that they go on a trip abroad in this situation. Especially considering that it is the head of the authority who has largely the responsibility to face this crisis. That’s bad judgment, she says.

The message: Then the public can start offering vaccines
READ MORE: Dan Eliasson defends the decision to go to LasPalmas: “Necessary”
READ MORE: The Ministers’ Own Words: This is how we have behaved
