Covid patients get traces of infection themselves, critical voices are now raised


SVT’s survey of how different regions work with infection tracking has sparked debate. Survey shows that all regions more or less allow patients to track infections themselves. The model is supported by the Swedish Public Health Agency and in Schedule on 23 August, state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said that it was a method that had worked excellently in Sweden before, by, among other things, tracking chlamydia infection.

– I think it will be at least the same order if you call friends and acquaintances yourself, Anders Tegnell said on the program.

In both Göteborgsposten, as Swedish newspaper and Today’s sand the Swedish model receives criticism on the pages of the leaders.

“It is not enough to transfer responsibility for infection tracking to individuals, when many do not have the opportunity to take responsibility and keep their distance,” writes, for example, Lisa Pelling in Dagens Arena.

It means it’s against the law

Since Covid-19 is classified as a socially dangerous disease, infection monitoring should be done accordingly the Communicable Diseases Act And according to Peet Tüll, former head of the infection control unit at the National Board of Health and Welfare, the focus of the regions is against the law.

– Urging patients to track the infection themselves is not following the Infection Control Law, says Peet Tüll, who was involved in drafting the current Infection Control Law.

Patients have an obligation to indicate who they may have come in contact with and Peet Tüll says it is not a disadvantage for the infected person to call themselves as long as they are followed up and the infection control doctor is in control. about who has been contacted. This works to varying degrees across regions. Several covid-infected people SVT Nyheter has spoken to say they have not had to give names of contacts or workplace, but have only been asked to contact them and report that they have become ill. According to them, no follow-up has been done either.

– If only the patient is dealing with this and there is no one who is responsible for keeping this together, then you do not know which patients have met and if samples are taken from close contacts. It’s a problem if you want to prevent the spread, says Peet Tüll.

Anders Tegnell says this is something the Swedish Public Health Agency will try to control.

– Then you have to do a follow-up so we can see that the infection tracking works as it should, says Anders Tegnell.
