On Thursday, local restrictions were introduced in Västra Götaland, Stockholm and Östergötland. In all regions, one should refrain from being indoors where people gather, such as shops, shopping malls, museums, and gyms. Despite the stricter restrictions, many people visited Gekås department store in Ullared on Friday.
Diana and her mother Daliba Lazkani, from Malmö, wear plastic gloves and try to stay away from others inside the department stores.
– I have a baby on the way and we really needed to buy things that are hard to find elsewhere. You can tell that people live their life as usual, you can’t shut yourself in completely. It’s big here, there are many other places where people hang out that are much smaller, says Diana Lazkani.

Diana and Daliba Lazkani are not worried about getting infected, but they are concerned about the elderly and those at risk.
Photo: Jenny Ingemarsson
They both say that the most important is to prevent the elderly from becoming infected with corona.
– We fear for their sake, not ours, says Daliba Lazkani.
Gekås CEO Boris Lennerhov warns that several regions have introduced stricter restrictions. During the fall holiday week, there have been approximately 35,000-40,000 fewer visitors than usual.
– It was immediately noticed that many refrain from coming here. We receive many cancellations at our hotel. I can’t say that everyone is good at keeping their distance, but most are. But if you’re worried, I think you should stay home, he says.

CEO Boris Lennerhov says they take one day at a time and track the spread of the infection.
Photo: Jenny Ingemarsson
A maximum of 3500 visitors can be inside the department store at the same time. Halland has yet to introduce local restrictions, but it may come next week.
– We have a dialogue with the Swedish Public Health Agency about the fact that we have a worrying development of the spread of the infection in the county. But in that case it’s a decision to be made next week, says Maria Ryberg Mo, an infection control doctor in Halland.
Maria Ryberg Mo says they have been unable to trace any major spread of the infection to any large shopping centers in the county, or in this case, Gekås.

When it was packed inside the department store, a queue formed for a short time outside.
Photo: Jenny Ingemarsson
What do you, as an infection control doctor, think about visiting department stores and shopping malls?
– As an infection control doctor, I don’t think I should be around people. The tips available are aimed at minimizing social contact. Based on that, it is not recommended to do so, says Maria Rydberg Mo and continues:
– But there is no prohibition of moving in society, but you should follow the above tips to avoid large crowds. Of course, one must assess how great the risk is in different types of activities.

Several people chose to wear mouth guards when visiting department stores.
Photo: Jenny Ingemarsson
Boris Lennerhov says that at present the closing of the business has not been taken into account.
– We have had two of the 1,600 employees who tested positive for corona and have not worked in the meantime. It has been very good so far, pepper pepper, says Boris Lennerhov and continues:
– If it turns out that ten of our employees test positive tomorrow, I would decide to close the department store.
Understand that people react when Gekås is allowed to be open when others are forced to remain closed.
– It is about being covered by the law of order at the bottom. It is very complex and I understand your frustration. I can only abide by the restrictions we are subject to, says Boris Lennerhov.
Morabon Molly Classon sits in the boxes where there are not so many people. I didn’t think there were so many people in department stores today.
– We don’t think it was the fall break, it was stupid. Now I’m a little anxious. I still think that most people keep their distance, but there are also those who don’t, he says.

Some visitors wore plastic gloves to reduce the risk of corona infection.
Photo: Jenny Ingemarsson
She goes to baby shows for a friend and have some presents, Christmas presents and horse stuff.
– It’s not for my own good that I’m worried. It is because it happens to infect another person. I myself work as a part-time substitute in the home care service, and it’s clear you’re worried about taking something home with you, says Molly Classon.
William Wallin and Daniel Hertz from Hönö pack the day’s merchandise.
– It may not have been very smart to go here when you see that the spread of infection is increasing. There is a difference between those who live nearby, they have to be able to buy, says Daniel Hertz.

Daniel Hertz and his friend William Wallin believe that some are very close within department stores.
Photo: Jenny Ingemarsson
Many of the visitors like DN Spoken says it has been a consideration to go to Ullared now that the spread of the infection is increasing.
– At first we thought we wouldn’t go here. But we would have turned around if we had noticed that there were a lot of people. We arrived early to avoid so many people and now we go when people come, says Pia Jägvald from Laholm.

Anna and Anette Malm have spent two days in Ullared. Now everything is bought and the car packed.
Photo: Jenny Ingemarsson