Covid-19 found in schools in several municipalities


As more people fall ill with COVID-19, cases of infected pupils are also found in schools in several municipalities in southwestern Skåne.
– Clearly it’s concerning, but it still feels manageable, says Fredrik Aksell, director of education at Svedala.

More students and teachers are found to be infected with covid-19.Image: Jonas Ekströmer / TT

Should the municipality follow the recommendations of the Public Health Agency? Or should the school be closed entirely? After information about the infection at a school in Bjärred was sent to tutors, the discussion heated up on a local Facebook group. The vast majority vote for the first option.

Currently, cases of infection have been found in pre-schools and schools in most municipalities in south-western Skåne. At the same time, school activities have not been shown to be a driving force in the spread of infection, but rather that it takes place at home or in other settings.

Therefore, teaching continues, as usual, also in activities where students or teachers have been infected.

– We follow the recommendations of the Swedish Public Health Agency. If someone shows symptoms, that person is expected to stay home and the information is sent to staff, parents and students who may have had contact with the infected person, says Thomas Kvist, head of preschool activities in Lomma Township. and representative in the crisis management staff of the municipality.

Many of municipalities it works in a similar way with reporting and tracking an established infection.

– We rely heavily on the recommendations of the Swedish Public Health Agency. But the balancing act is tough when it comes to evaluating general advice. Most of the time it is communicated first in the media and without clear directives from the authorities, says Fredrik Aksell, director of education at Svedala.

In Burlöv municipality isolated cases of corona have been seen in schools and there is a recurring reconciliation week by week. The municipality estimates that sick leave is at a normal level, slightly below what it seemed in spring.

– You go back earlier today after being sick, which is partly due to the fact that if you test yourself and get a negative result, you can go back to school or work earlier, says Mats Jönsson, head of administration for education and culture at Burlöv. .

Then a week On the way back, the directors of the Staffanstorp municipality report every day if there are established cases of covid-19 among students or school staff. Isolated cases have been seen in the last two weeks. Daily reports from all schools are a routine this spring that has been resumed due to the increased spread of the infection in Skåne.

– It’s about seeing trends. We can get a clear signal if we see a rapid spread of the infection, down to the unit level, says head of education Krister Åkesson.

In Kävlinge primary schools Are you saved enough? Said Marie Nilsson, Deputy Sector Director in Education Administration:

– We have isolated cases between staff and students. They are home. We do not have a widespread spread of the infection in schools, says Marie Nilsson.

Kävlinge also does not yet have any cases in municipal nursing homes.

– We have no plans to close schools or the like. The municipality’s crisis management group is activated. We follow development all the time, says Marie Nilsson.

There has also been no widespread spread of the infection in Vellinge Township schools.


Children and covid-19

Few children and young people are seriously affected by covid-19. They often have milder symptoms than adults and have very little risk of having to be hospitalized as a result of COVID-19. As they have milder symptoms, they are more likely to become infected than adults.

School activities have not been shown to be a driving force in the spread of infection. Staff working in school activities have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 to a greater extent than other occupational groups. This applies to child minders, preschool teachers, elementary school teachers, leisure educators, upper secondary teachers, other educators with specialized theoretical competence, and student assistants. In most cases where children have been infected with COVID-19, they have been infected by an adult outside of school, usually at home.

Source: Swedish Public Health Agency.
