– This type of diving activity will cost money that is not in our regular budget. If you want to do any kind of diving activities here, you need to add extra money to be able to fund it, says SHK Deputy General Director Jonas Bäckstrand.
In October initiated the Estonian, Finnish and Swedish Accident Commissions their preliminary assessment of the new findings made by the documentary makers in the Estonian shipwreck. Two new holes in the Estonian hull, previously unknown, were discovered and featured in a Discovery documentary, which received much attention.
Just before Christmas, Ekot was able to reveal that the three countries have decided that further dives must be made in the wreck and that therefore the grave peace law needs to be changed in order for investigations to be possible.
And yesterday We could report that the new dives can already start this summer, as the Riksdag is expected to pass a new law before the summer.
Today Ekot can tell you what the total expected cost will be for the accident investigation authorities’ work with Estonia. This is between 50 and 55 million SEK. And most of this is related to the dives that are planned and the afterwork with them.
Obtaining consulting services It is necessary to do, for example, the technology for remotely controlled submarines, the so-called ROVs, the scanning of the wreck and the bottom conditions and the subsequent analysis of everything that is examined and discovered in the wreck.
On Friday afternoon, the Norwegian Accident Investigation Board sent a letter to the government requesting more money to be able to carry out this work. SHK, for its part, requests SEK 31 million, of which three million correspond to communication work.
Ekot has applied Interior Minister Mikael Damberg. His press secretary, Mirjam Kontio, writes in a comment that the ministry will now look at the cost of doing the job. Jonas Bäckstrand from the Accident Investigation Board is waiting for the application to be approved.
– Of course, it is a political decision how much money you want to contribute. We have to comply with that. But we think you probably want this to be done the way we want to implement it, and then just contribute this money, says Jonas Bäckstrand.