Coronavirus is a liar among healthcare workers


From: TT


Nurses with protective equipment in the Peruvian capital Lima.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Martín Mejía / AP / TT

Nurses with protective equipment in the Peruvian capital Lima. Stock Photography.

Around 1,500 nurses in 44 countries have so far died as a result of COVID-19, according to the international nursing organization ICN. He is critical of the fact that so many nurses were able to die as in the First World War.

As the pandemic spreads across the world, ICN is following developments, including in a survey of nursing organizations in several countries. It shows that 1,500 nurses have died in 44 of the world’s 195 independent states, writes the Swedish newspaper Vårdfokus.

In early June, the ICN reported that more than 600 nurses had died from COVID-19 and that between 230,000 and 450,000 health workers had fallen ill.

The global result, ICN now estimates, in the latest calculation, that the pandemic may have cost the lives of more than 20,000-30,000 health workers.

In a press release, the ICN writes that the numbers of sick and dead are low.

“The fact that as many nurses have died during this pandemic as during World War I is shocking. Since May 2020, we have called for a standardized and systematic collection of data on infected and dead healthcare workers and the fact that this has not yet happened. it’s a scandal, “said the CIE. Howard Sutton’s chef.

