Corona Study: How to think about the car



From: Elle kari karlsson


Keep your distance. That is easy to say.

But if you have to get into a car with someone who has a crown: where in the car should that person sit to minimize the risk of infection? And how many windows should be open?

Four researchers in the United States have modeled the airflow inside a car to see what the best configuration would be.

The answer, which was revealed in the scientific journal ScienceAdvances, is to open all the car windows and let the covid-infected passenger sit in the back seat, on the opposite side of the driver.

Practically as far away from the other person as possible.

Covid-19 is mainly transmitted through close contacts between people through the so-called drip infection. When an infected person sneezes, coughs, talks, or exhales, tiny droplets are released into the environment. The spread of infection is facilitated when exhaled droplets and aerosols can remain suspended in the air for a long time. A car trip represents such a situation with an increased risk of transmission of pathogens.

Window selection can be important

In the study, the researchers modeled the airflow inside an air-conditioned hatchback that drove at 80 km / h in different configurations.

In short, the study states the following:

Traveling with three windows open was better than just two windows open, but the researchers found that it can actually mean a lot to choose which window to close. In scenarios that simulated an infected driver or infected passenger, keeping all windows open provided the best protection. The next best option was to close the window closest to the healthy person.




