– The council of the authorities is not a general council. They must be followed, says Interior Minister Mikael Damberg (S).
The government commissioned the Swedish Agency for Protection and Emergency Planning (MSB) and the Swedish Public Health Agency to jointly produce and coordinate a text message. The four largest telecom operators will assist the government in this effort, says Digitization Minister Anders Ygeman (S).
22 million subscriptions
This implies 22 million subscriptions.
– If we can save a single life by doing this, then it’s worth it, says Morgan Olofsson, communications director for the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency.
MSB asks the public for help in using their language skills to tell loved ones what the text message says.
The text message will read:
“Information from the authorities.
Follow the new and stricter guidelines to stop the spread of covid-19. Read more on the crisis information website. “
As the sender, it will not be a phone number, but will say “MSB and FHM”.