The number of corona infections is on the rise again, mainly among the young
Of: Ebba Thornéus, Nivette Dawod
Matilda Ernkrans, Minister for Higher Education and Research, called the country’s students during a press conference on Friday.
– We cannot make universities and college campuses become groups of crown centers.
The number of confirmed corona cases is on the rise in Sweden, with the highest increase occurring among young people aged 20 to 29, the government announced at a press conference on Friday.
– The spread of covid-19 is increasing. I understand that many want the pandemic to end, for everything to go back to business as usual, but unfortunately the pandemic is not over. Now, instead, the spread of the infection is increasing. We need help to get back. If we take care of ourselves, we can reduce the spread of the infection, began Matilda Ernkrans (S), Minister of Higher Education and Research.
In addition, the minister addressed the more than 400,000 students in the country.
– I want to start by thanking you who take care of them, even in times of pandemic, he said and continued with an increasingly sharp tone when it came to student parties:
– Unfortunately, you are too many students who do not take responsibility and now they have to refine. We cannot make universities and college campuses become groups of crown centers. I urge all students to act more responsibly in the future. It is a responsibility that I hope you will assume.
– It is not reasonable for you to abandon your education.
Ernkrans: not forward free
Ernkrans emphasized that they have seen several examples of zeros where students stay too close together and too close.
– Unfortunately, as I was saying, it seems that this cautious opening of the campus in various places has been interpreted by too many students as gratuitous for a more normal student life.
Johan Carlson, Director General of the Swedish Public Health Agency, emphasized that now everyone must take responsibility since the situation in Sweden is better than in many European countries, but that the situation is beginning to be worrying also in our country.
– Several local outbreaks are strongly linked to universities and colleges. Up to eight regions have had outbreaks. Usually this has not happened in connection with studies, but usually at parties, kicks and tents.
He mentions that more than 200 students were infected during the fall.
– There is a great risk that there will be more. If bad luck hits, the party will be a contagious event, sadly we’ve seen evidence of that, says Carlson.
– Feel free to have a party, but hang out in small groups, preferably in the same group that you would meet. At least this fall and winter, even if you tire of them.
May be relevant to close
When asked if it would be relevant to close the campus, Matilda Ernkrans replies that she wants to send the following message to the students:
– Already today, a local infection control doctor with university leadership can close universities and colleges if the infection becomes too extensive. We find ourselves in a situation where we have to take a step back, where each of us can take responsibility, to reduce the spread of infection and take better care of ourselves. Then we can keep campus open. If this does not work, it remains to move to distance education.
Johan Carlson says, however, that the Swedish Public Health Agency is not really at the point where they want to shut down all education. But that several individual universities and colleges have done so with a further spread of the infection.
PODD Continent Corona Report
Aftonbladet Daily talks to Benjamin Ekroth in Berlin and Frida Fagerlund in London.
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