Of: Linus lindgren
The Corna Falls in Stockholm have almost doubled, two weeks in a row.
The infection is spreading in all groups and has now found its way back to nursing homes in the region.
– So far we see an increase everywhere, says Maria Rotzén Östlund, to TT.
“We are on our way again,” Björn Eriksson, director of health and medical care in the Stockholm region, said of the spread of the infection in the region at a press conference on September 22.
And in that statement, Björn Eriksson was right.
Duplicate in new cases
Between September 17 and 24, 855 new corona cases were registered in the Stockholm region. During the previous week, 445 confirmed cases of the week were registered. If you go back another week in the statistics, there were 248 new infected people in Stockholm.
– He took a big step between weeks 37 and 38. And it continues this week. We see a trend break, says Maria Rotzén Östlund, acting physician for infection control in the Stockholm Region for TT.
Increases in all groups
Infection increases in both men and women, and in all age groups except young preschool-age children for whom testing is not recommended. The infection is also found both in the city center and in surrounding municipalities.
– So far we see an increase everywhere, says Maria Rotzén Östlund, to the news agency.
State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said during Thursday’s press conference that events in Sweden at the moment are worrying.
– It is going slowly but surely in the wrong direction, something we talk about could happen during the fall when we return to workplaces, he said.
A local measure that has been discussed by the Swedish Public Health Agency to curb the spread of the infection in Stockholm is the isolation of relatives of those infected by the coronavirus.
16 new cases in nursing homes
Cases of the disease are also back in Stockholm’s nursing homes after a relatively quiet period. During the seven-day period between September 17 and 24, 16 new confirmed cases of corona were recorded in nursing homes in the region.
This compares to 5 new cases during the previous seven day period and zero new cases during the previous seven days.
On September 24, a total of 24,594 people were found infected in Stockholm County and 2,403 died as a result of COVID-19, according to statistics from the region.
Here you can see local figures for Stockholm city districts.