Blekinge: A certain distance can be felt in increasing the spread of infection to a high level.
Dalarna: The high spread of the infection continued, but a decrease has been observed in the last three weeks. Continuing major impact on healthcare.
Gotland: Some reduction in the number of confirmed cases. The trend shows a slight improvement at the moment.
Gävleborg: The number of confirmed infections has decreased since Christmas, but the proportion of those infected remains high. The impact on medical care and intensive care has been reduced somewhat to “significant”. The total number of infections in senior care in the county is declining.
Halland: 62 people are admitted for your attention, of which 6 in VAT. Police report that the number of complaints of child abuse has increased.
Jämtland / Härjedalen: The proportion remained high. Stable level of the number of hospitalized patients, high burden on hospital care and reduction of planned activities.
Jönköping: The number of infections remains at a high level. The situation in IVA care was strained with a severe shortage of staff. The region has decided that certain priority care, such as cancer operations, can be postponed. The region estimates an overall severe impact on its operations: 25% of the county’s business community employees have been on short-term leave on at least one occasion since April 2020.
Kalmar: The spread of the infection remains extensive. Reduction in the number of cases sampled and confirmed week 2. High number of hospitalized covid patients.
Kronoberg: The spread of infection in the county remains large, but the proportion of positive test results has decreased somewhat. Tense situation within VAT.
Norrbotten: The high spread of the infection in the county continued.
Skåne: The healthcare situation continues to be very tense. Clear reduction in confirmed cases. Crisis agreement activated for both emergency and intensive care personnel.
Stockholm: All county emergency hospitals in a high state of emergency with a very tense situation. The need for health care in the county has decreased in the last week.
Södermanland: Last week, the number of infections decreased for the first time in several weeks.
Uppsala: The infection situation appears to have improved. The number of hospitalized covid patients has dropped to about 100, of which 10 in IVA. The degree of impact on healthcare is reduced from severe to significant. Some surgical activities have been acquired.
Värmland: The spread of the infection within the county has increased. The number of patients treated in the hospital is 34, of which 5 in IVA.
Västerbotten: The high spread of the infection continued. The region sees a decline in cases in all parts of the county in all age groups, still the majority between 19-39 years. Significantly fewer cases among health and healthcare personnel than before. The number of notifications in 2020 increased by 15 percent compared to 2019.
Västernorrland: The region continues to report significant impacts, is in a strengthening position and has a shortage of personnel. Indication of a slowdown in the number of confirmed cases. The region has had a shortage of mortuary sites in Örnsköldsvik, but the situation has improved. The rescue service has also drawn attention to the rise in mental illness.
Västmanland: The high number of infection cases continued, but there are signs of a downward trend. The pressure on the entire healthcare system is reported to remain high. Västra Götaland: continuous increase in the spread of infection. High occupancy for hospital care. High workload in the provision of health care personnel in several municipalities.
Örebro: The proportion of positive test results decreased slightly. 45 patients with covid are admitted to the hospital, of which 5 in IVA.
Östergötland: Serious impact on the county continued. 99-115 patients are hospitalized and, in addition, 13-16 patients are admitted to IVA. The number of infections in nursing homes has decreased slightly in the last week. Long-term problems with staffing.
Source: Situation images reported by the County Administrative Boards