Corona: Doctors embrace Trump’s religion of positive thinking


Walter Reed Hospital, northwest of Washington DC, is a narrow military complex with the tallest Soviet buildings. Outside of this dire environment, hundreds of supporters fight for the president. They yell “four more years” and share take out pizza from folded cardboard boxes directly on the sidewalk. A hospitable carnival just in time for Halloween, the holiday that turns death into a holiday.

Read more: Another close contact with Trump infected with corona

On Sunday, Trump decided to give fans a gift. He let his guard lead him slowly through the followers in an armored car and gave two thumbs up through the window. In a movie shot just before Eriksgatan happened, Trump said he learned about COVID-19 the hard way, not through books but in direct confrontation with the microbe.

Trump in the car he drove in Sunday night.

Trump in the car he drove in Sunday night.

Photo: Alex Edelman / AFP

Photos taken from inside the Presidential Suite shows how Trump works at a blank table. In one photo he is sitting in his shirt sleeves, in another he is wearing a dark jacket. But the photos looked like they were taken ten minutes apart. What did the president work on? In one photo, Trump appeared to write his name in black ink on a blank piece of paper. A staging of a working day.

The purpose was to signal prosperity to his people. A man who called his challenger “Sleepy Joe” and who loves to pamper men the same age as “with little energy” must stay on his feet.

Trump’s religion is “positive thinking,” the notion that illness can be kept at bay by happy thinking.

Trump’s religion is “positive thinking,” the notion that one can keep illness at bay through happy thoughts. These brain ghosts could possibly be treated for a clinically overweight 74-year-old man who suffered from covid-19. Like the fans outside the hospital door who dined Sunday with just their hands outside the box.

But it is concerning when doctors it boils down to representatives of the same pseudoscience. On Sunday, Trump’s GP Sean Conley admitted in black and white that he misrepresented information about Trump’s condition this weekend. “I wanted to express the positive feeling that the president and us felt and I did it so as not to affect the course of the disease.” Conley, who is an osteopath, appeared in what looked like a custom-made doctor’s coat.

“The institutions have not saved us”, is a chapter of the new book by the Russian-American journalist Masha Gessen “Surviving the autocracy”. This weekend’s misinformation from the military hospital confirms that diagnosis.

Trump has done half the codependent state apparatus. James Phillips, Walter Reed’s director of disaster medicine, couldn’t hold out when Trump forced the Secret Service out of the hospital. The President’s hermetically sealed vehicle maximizes the risk of spreading infections. “Ordered by Trump to risk his life for the theater,” Phillips tweeted. “This is crazy.”

The life doctor’s lies about Trump’s condition were uncovered when White House chief of staff Mark Meadows gave a mixed picture of the president’s health. It was in a background conversation with reporters. The information was first attributed to an anonymous source with “knowledge of the president’s health.”

But the AP news agency decided to name Meadows. The chief of staff’s suffering for the truth was immediately punished by Trump. In a follow-up interview with Reuters, Meadows said Trump was fine.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

Photo: Brendan Smialowski / AFP

Fans outside of Walter Reed Sunday night he repeated his usual eulogy: Trump puts America first. Several said criticisms of the president’s careless handling of the pandemic were based on liberal hypocrisy. No one complained when Black Life doormats staged nationwide protests in major cities.

But when Trump rallies his white supporters into smaller cosmopolitan circles, it is suddenly seen as life-threatening. Usually the repressive elite that Trump rebels against, also from the hospital bed! A hero.

But the carelessness of the White House It could have consequences for the event that would crown Trump’s first term as president: the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett as a member of the Supreme Court. At least two Republican senators from the Senate Judiciary Committee, who preside over Barrett’s hearing, tested positive.

Now Democrats are considering trying to delay questioning regarding the risk of infection. The trial was to begin on October 12.
